Today Show!

It's an honor to tell our story and share what wisdom we can. Check out the wonderful write-up about us on by reporter Stephanie Thurrott.

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New Podcast!

DEAD Talks with David Ferrugio

DEAD Talks David Ferrugio engages death a little bit differently. Each new guest shares their experience in a way that shatters the “don’t talk about death” taboo. It's more than a Grief Podcast; it's a conversation about life.

Listen or Watch here


This is a beautifully written article that narrates our family's journey and the world's discovery of 'Ask Uncle Jack'. We're deeply honored by this privilege and thrilled to share it with you!

Article Link

Spectrum News 1

Reporter, Amy Pathraff, came out to celebrate Uncle Jack's 100th at the LA Zoo!

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ABC 7 Appearance

ABC 7 joined the party for Uncle Jack's 100th Celebration at the LA Zoo!

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Oprah Daily feature!!

That's right! Oprah and her amazing team, especially Anna Davies who penned the piece(!), have honored us with an interview and a chance to share our book with their wonderful audience; truly a gift and a lovely opportunity to tell our story and remind people to "Get outside... and climb a tree!"

Full Article

The preorder is live!

Today, Uncle Jack and Damon took to social media to make an exciting announcement. The preorder is now officially live and available everywhere!

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The Mysterious Goings On Podcast

A must-listen! - In this spirited conversation, Uncle Jack shares his secrets to staying young, his unvarnished thoughts on football, and the birds he treasures. Damon discusses their creative process in writing the book and building a community of followers on social media.

Listen Here